Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Knight And Day

Release Date: 24 June 2010
Language: ENG
Classification: N/A
Genre: Action, Comedy
Run Time: N/A Minutes
Director: James Mangold
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Olivier Martinez, Peter Sarsgaard, Tom Cruise, Viola Davis
Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz star in the action-comedy "Knight & Day". During their glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure, nothing and no one - even the now fugitive couple - are what they seem. Amid shifting alliances and unexpected betrayals, they race across the globe, with their survival ultimately hinging on the battle of truth versus trust.
walaupun aku tak brapa minat ngan Tom Cruise..tapi disebabkan dalam filem ni ada Cameron Diaz...aku gi tonton kat pawagam..aku memang suka semua lakonan Cameron..lagi2 kalau genre komedi ataupun aksi..
permulaan filem ni..aku tak la paham sangat citer ni tentang apa...bila nak masuk pertengahan citer...baru paham...keseluruhan...citer yang sangat menarik bagi aku...penuh ngan aksi n komedi..mungkin ada aksi2 yang tak masuk akal..tapi tu biasa la...nama je filem aksi...so enjoy the movie..:)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Toy Story 3
Release Date: 17 June 2010
Language: ENG
Classification: U
Genre: Animation
Run Time: 104 Minutes
Director: Lee Unkrich
Cast: Charles Adler, Don Rickles, Estelle Harris, Joan Cusack, Jodi Benson, John Morris, John Ratzenberger, Laurie Metcalf, Lee Unkrich, Michael Keaton, R. Lee Ermey, Tim Allen, Timothy Dalton, Tom Hanks, Wallace Shawn, Whoopi Goldberg
The creators of the beloved "Toy Story" films re-open the toy box and bring moviegoers back to the delightful world of our favorite gang of toy characters in "Toy Story 3". As Andy prepares to depart for college, Buzz, Woody and the rest of his loyal toys are troubled about their uncertain future. Directed by Lee Unkrich (co-director of "Toy Story 2" and "Finding Nemo"), "Toy Story 3" is a comical new adventure that lands the toys in a room full untamed tots who can't wait to get their sticky little fingers on these "new" toys. It's pandemonium as they try to stay together, ensuring "no toy gets left behind." Meanwhile, Barbie comes face to plastic face with Ken (yes, that Ken).
akhirnya dapat gak aku tngok citer ni...khamis lepas...walaupun cuaca macam nak hujan..dan masa beli tiket..citer pun dah mula...aku beli je...malas nak tunggu tayangan seterusnya..takut lewat pulak balik umah...coz nak kena hantar kawan aku dulu...
sejujurnya...aku tak penah tngok citer ni yang pertama n kedua...so memang aku tak kenal watak2 dalam citer ni...tapi boleh layan la...dah nama citer kartun kan..memang banyak adegan lucu...aksi dan sedih(ada ke sedih??huhu).
tapi yang paling terkesan kat aku bila tngok citer ni...ikatan persahabatan...taat setia dan kasih sayang...terasa ni...huhu
so kepada yang belum tngok citer Toy Story 3 ni...jangan lepaskan peluang untuk tonton kat pawagam berdekatan...:)
Friday, June 25, 2010
What You Waiting For by Mizz Nina ft. Colby O' Donis
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Semalam Hari Selasa
semalam aku ngn kawan aku pegila kat town...dalam pukul 7pm mcamtu laa...coz aku nak cuci gambar group foto customer...lepas aku dah pegi kedai gambar tu...kitorang pun cari la kedai makan...perut dah lapar...n sementara nak tunggu gambar siap...
aku pun order la makanan favorite aku....nasi ayam penyet...aku suka makan kat kedai tu coz hidangan ayam penyet nya penuh pinggan la orang kata...berbaloi ngan harga yang kita bayar...coz ada setengah kedai...harga bukan main...tapi macam makan nasi kosong ngan ayam goreng je...

dengan hampanya..kitorang pun balik...tapi masa lalu kat area tabuan...aku tukar haluan...tak jadi balik dulu...singgah jap kat tempat persinggahan..huhu...untuk menyumbangkan suara....

lepas sejam kat dalam kotak kecil tu...kitorang pun pulang la ke umah....mata pun dah ngantuk...esok keje....bubbye...

Monday, June 21, 2010
The A-Team

Release Date: 10 June 2010
Language: ENG
Genre: Action, Adventure
Run Time: 124 Minutes
Director: Joe Carnahan
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Liam Neeson, Quinton Jackson, Sharlto Copley
American action adventure about a fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces who work as soldiers of fortune while being on the run from the military for a "crime they didn't commit". A group of Iraq War trying to take opportunities to clear their name with the U.S military from being committing a crime for which they were framed.
Just watched this movie last saturday...not bad... a lot of action..humor..sampaikan aku takleh dok diam dalam panggung wayang tu...walaupun aku penah tngok drama bersiri ni masa kecik2...tapi tak berapa ingat...
aku bagi 3setengah bintang tuk movie ni...so sapa yang lom tngok tu...jgn lepaskan peluang...best!!huhu
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
10 Fascinating Last Pictures Taken
Wiley Post & Will Rogers 1898 –1935, 1879 – 1935
Wiley Post who was the first pilot to fly solo around the world and his good friend Will Rogers a famous comedian, humorist and social commentator were set out to fly around the world together. This photo (that’s Will Rogers in the hat and tie, standing on the wing) was taken on August 15, 1935 shortly before taking off from a lagoon near Point Barrow Alaska. During take off Post’s experimental Lockheed Explorer sea plane crashed when its engine failed killing both men.
Interesting Fact: The airport in Barrow Alaska was renamed Wiley Post – Will Rogers Memorial Airport.
John and Jackie Knill

On January 13, 2005 the bodies of Canadian couple John and Jackie Knill were discovered on a Thailand beach resort. They were two of the many victims killed from the December 26 2004 tsunami. Weeks later a Seattle man doing relief work found a damaged camera and discarded it but kept the memory card in the camera. After downloading the images he discovered pictures of the Knill’s enjoying their vacation, as well as shots of a huge wave approaching the shore. With each picture it shows the wave getting closer and closer to shore. The last picture taken of them before the wave hit (shown above) was shot just after 8.30 am on December 26.
Interesting Fact: The Seattle man that discovered the images recognized the Knills from a missing person’s web site and contacted the couple’s two sons in Vancouver Canada. The man then drove from Seattle to Vancouver to give the sons their parent’s last images.
Albert Einsteinb. 1879 d.1955

The photograph above is the last known picture of Einstein, taken in March, 1955. There are not a lot of details concerning this photo but he is probably at his home near Princeton, New Jersey. A month later on April 17, 1955, Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an aortic aneurysm, which had previously been diagnosed and reinforced. He went to the hospital and took a draft of a speech he was preparing for a television appearance commemorating the State of Israel’s seventh anniversary with him. Unfortunately he did not live long enough to complete it. The following day Einstein died at the age of 76.
Interesting Fact: Einstein’s brain was removed within seconds of his death (without the permission of his family) in hope that future neuroscience would be able to discover what made Einstein so intelligent. Recent scientific studies have suggested that regions involved in speech and language are smaller, while regions involved with numerical and spatial processing are larger.
Marilyn Monroeb. 1926 d 1962

Many believe Celebrity photographer George Barris took the last pictures of Marilyn Monroe. However, it was actually Life Magazine’s photographer Allan Grant. The pictures were taken July 7, 1962 during an interview at her home. Six pictures appeared in Life including the one pictured above.
Just under a month later on August 5, 1962, the LAPD received a call at 4:25AM from Dr. Hyman Engelberg proclaiming that Monroe was dead at her home in Brentwood, Los Angeles. The official cause of Monroe’s death was classified as “acute barbiturate poisoning”, and was also recorded as a “probable suicide. Many questions still remain unanswered about the circumstances of her death and the timeline from when Monroe’s body was found.
Interesting Fact: The Life Magazine issue featuring Monroe’s interview was dated August 3 1962, just 2 day before her death.
Bill Biggart 1947-2001

Photojournalist Bill Biggart was covering the events of September 11th and was Tragically killed as the second tower of the World Trade Center came down. Four days later Biggart’s body was recovered from the rubble and his personal effects, including his cameras were given to his wife. Biggart’s widow later handed over the camera bag to a good friend and fellow photographer. She was convinced that no pictures had survived because the falling debris had blown off the backs of the two film cameras and the lids of the film canisters had been peeled back. His friend turned his attention to the digital camera that was covered by ash. The lens had been sheared off but when he opened the chamber that held the flash card he discovered it was in pristine condition. The card contained 150 pictures including the last picture taken shown above which is time stamped 10:28 am and 24 seconds. The time was 10:30am when the second tower came down.
Interesting Fact: When Biggart’s wife reached him on his cell phone shortly after the first tower fell. He told her not to worry, and would meet her in 20 minutes at his studio. “I’m safe,” he assured her, “I’m with the firemen.” It was the last time they ever spoke. About 20 minutes later, the second tower collapsed
Lady Diana 1961 d.1997

Last year when the long-awaited inquest into Lady Diana’s death began, this picture was released that shows the last picture taken before the crash. The press competed to be the first to print it even though the last photo ended up just showing part of her hair. Unfortunately and ironically photos like this one ended up contributing to the crash that ended her life.
The photo shows the four speeding away from the Ritz Paris At around 12:20 a.m. on August 31, 1997 with Henri Paul the hotel driver, right, and Dodi Fayed’s bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones in the passenger seat. In the rear seat is Princess Diana (looking back at the pursuing paparazzi) with Dodi Fayed sitting next to her. Seconds after this picture was taken the Mercedes entered the Place de l’Alma underpass going at an estimated speed of 105 km/h (65 mph.) The driver lost control of the car and swerved to the left before colliding head-on with one of the pillars in the tunnel. Dodi Fayed and Henri Paul both died instantly. Trevor Rees-Jones was still conscious and had suffered multiple serious injuries to the face. Diana was critically injured but died later that morning in the hospital leaving Rees-Jones the only survivor.
Interesting Fact: As the casualties lay seriously injured or dead in their wrecked car, the photographers continued to take pictures. Critically injured Diana was reported to murmur the words, “oh my God,” and after the photographers were pushed away by emergency teams, the words, “leave me alone”.
Elvis Presley 1935 –1977

This last known photo of Elvis was taken on August 16 1977 at 12.28am. The picture was snapped as he is pulling into Graceland after a night out. That afternoon Presley was found on his bathroom floor by fiancĆ©e, Ginger Alden. According to the medical investigator, Presley had “stumbled or crawled several feet before he died”; he had apparently been using the bathroom at the time. Death was officially pronounced at 3:30 pm at Baptist Memorial Hospital.
Interesting Fact: Elvis had visited his dentist on August 15th to have a temporary crown put in and has been suggested that the codeine the dentist gave him that day resulted in an anaphylactic shock that assisted in his death because he had suffered allergic reactions to the drug previously.
Adolf Hitler 1889 –1945

This last know picture of Hitler was taken approximately two days prior to his death as he stands outside his Berlin bunker entrance surveying the devastating bomb damage. With Germany lying in ruins after six years of war, and with defeat imminent, Hitler decided to take his own life. But before doing so, he married Eva Braun and then penned his last will and testament. The next day in the afternoon on April 30, 1945 Braun and Hitler’ entered his living room to end their lives. Later that afternoon the remaining members of the bunker community found Hitler slumped over, and blood spilled over the arm of the couch. Eva was sitting at the other end. Hitler had killed himself by biting down on a cyanide capsule while shooting him self in the head. Eva only used the cyanide capsule.
Interesting Fact: When Hitler asked his physician to recommend a reliable method of suicide his doctor suggested combining a dose of cyanide with a gunshot to the head.
Anne Frankb. 1929 –d.1945

This is believed to be the last known photo of Anne Frank with her sister Margot taken in early to mid 1942. Later that year In July her sister Margot would be among the first to receive notice that she was to be sent to Nazi Germany ordering her to report for relocation to a work camp. Anne was then told by her father that the family would go into hiding. The Frank family was discovered and arrested on the morning of August 4th 1944. Having been arrested in hiding, they were considered criminals and were sent to the Punishment Barracks for hard labor. In March 1945, a typhus epidemic spread through the camp and killed approximately 17,000 prisoners. Witnesses later testified that Margot fell from her bunk in her weakened state and was killed by the shock, and that a few days later Anne Frank died.
Interesting Fact: In April 1945 just weeks after Anne Frank’s death, the camp was liberated by British troops.
Abraham Lincolnb. 1809 –1865

There is some controversy as to which photograph is the last picture of Abraham Lincoln taken before he was assassinated. I ran across three different photos on the Internet that claim last picture. However from information recently discovered the general consensus is the photo pictured above is the one. It was taken by Henry J. Warren during a photo session around the time of his inauguration. Mr. Warren took some candid photographs of crowd scenes on March 4th and two day later on March 6th Warren took this picture out on the White House Balcony.
A little over a month after this picture was taken on April 14, 1865 Lincoln attended a play at Ford’s Theater. John Wilkes Booth a well-known actor and a Confederate spy from Maryland crept up behind the President’s box and waited for the funniest line of the play, hoping the laughter would cover the noise of the gunshot. When the laughter came Booth jumped into the box with the President and aimed a single-shot, round-slug .44 caliber Derringer at his head, firing at point-blank range.
Interesting Fact: As mentioned above many Internet sites claim a different last picture taken of Lincoln claiming a date of April 10, 1865. (Just 4 days before the assassination) New evidence indicates what they thought was the last photo was used to paint a portrait. That particular portrait was painted February 5th 1865. This being the case, the Warren photo suddenly became the last picture taken of Lincoln alive.
Sex And The City 2
Sex and The City 2
June 16, 2010
Michael Patrick King
Chris Noth, Cynthia Nixon, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Miley Cyrus, Penelope Cruz, Sarah Jessica Parker
Sex And The City 2" brings it all back and more as Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) take another bite out of The Big Apple and beyond, carrying on with their busy lives and loves in a sequel. This time, the ladies are whisked away on a glamorous, sun-drenched adventure to one of the most luxurious, exotic and vivid places on earth, where the party never ends and there's something mysterious around every corner. It's an escape that comes exactly at the right moment for the four friends, who are finding themselves in - and fighting against - the traditional roles of marriage, motherhood and more.
malam tadi aku tngok movie ni ngan kawan aku...best..colourfull...penuh dengan 'label'...pemandangan yang cantik...dan aksi2 hot...hahaha
walaupun mood nak tonton wayang sedikit terganggu masa mula tayangan...mana tak nya...mamat yang adjust movie ni boleh dia tarik jadi memanjang...so semua pelakon aku tngok dah macam orang kerdil...lepas lebih kurang 5 minit tayangan..baru la dia adjust balik...tu pun lepas ada mamat kat blakang aku gi keluar and tegur pahal problem tu...
so kepada StarCineplex...kalau u nak maju kan balik tempat u...benda2 kecik camni la yang u kene amik berat...kalau tak nanti org semua lari tempat lain....sendiri mau ingat....

supermodel Malaysia kita...Tinie...so high fashion...
ramai yang suka cover ni..termasuk la aku...so chic n diftrent

i like a group of top model...

this cover look so elegent

wowo..this cover was so hot...pasangan layar perak yang amat serasi...i love the outfit..the make up..the pose n the shoot...really work...
walaupun aku dah tahu kewujudan majalah Glam ni sejak 2004 lagi...tapi time tu takla beriya2 sangat nak beli apatahlagi nak buat koleksi...yer la...time tu kan aku masih lagi muda remaja...so koleksi majalah pun kebanyakkan nya yang ada jiwa 'remaja'...hahaha....
sampaikan mak aku bising bila tengok koleksi majalah yang aku ada kat umah tu dah menggunung...yer la..macam2 tajuk ada...macam2 saiz pun ada...dan sekarang macam2 bau kot...ye la...terperap je dalam almari...hahaha
tapi tu dulu la...time zaman aku muda remaja...kadang2 aku belek2 gak majalah2 lama kalau aku aku balik ke kampung...bila usia dah menginjak ke alam lebih dewasa...dan kita tahu apa yang kita inginkan dan hala tuju kita...aku lebih selective...
yup...aku penah citer yang masa aku blaja kat 'U' dulu aku amik jurusan fotografi...n major dalam fashion photography...tapi time tu aku takla 'menjiwai' makna sebenar disebalik apa yang aku amik tu...maksud aku bidang yang aku ceburi...amik sebab nak lulus exam dan dapat diploma....
tapi 2 tahun kebelakangan ni...my muse dah memang terarah ke fashion photography...even kadang2 kalau aku amik gambar wedding pun aku akan selitkan element2 fashion...hahahah
buat masa ni pun aku dah kerap praktikkan balik apa yang aku blaja dulu tuk jadikan gambar aku bak gambar2 di fashion magazine...huhu...but ya..not perfect as the real one...but at least i try...
thats why,untuk merealisasikan imaginasi aku...aku kena la ada model...so terpaksa la aku cari bakat2 yang ada kat area aku...mana lagi kalau bukan kat Kuching ni...aku memang suka cari sendiri new fresh model..sebab apa??sebab satu..diorang tak demanding...n satu lagi diorang mudah dilentur...walaupun kebanyakkan model yang aku pilih tu petite size...tapi aku akan pastikan yang diorang ada keunikan tersendiri dan body propotion seakan model sebenar didalam gambar..coz ada diantara kawan aku yang ingatkan model yang aku capture tu tinggi nya bak Nasya Aziz!!...tapi disebalik nya...bila mereka lihat model aku face to face...rupa2 nya hanyalah bak Amy Mastura....huhuhu
berbalik kita kat majalah Glam ni...aku suka magazine ni coz magazine ni nampak so international...baik dari segi cover sampai la ke isinya...baru tahun ni aku menjadi peminat setia mereka...kalau termissed beli...aku sanggup cari kat kedai lain...sampai macam tu sekali...kenapa jadi mcm tu???pertamanya aku nak jadikan gambar2 yang ada dalam majalah tu menjadi bahan rujukan aku...samaada dari segi angle..lighting...pose...mahupun dari segi idea....keduanya dalam majalah tu ada la tunjukkan apa yang tngah 'hot' n apa yang tngah 'in' untuk waktu itu...takkisah la dari segi pakaian ke...model ke...mekap ke...dan tentulah yang paling penting...aku nak jadikan inspirasi agar satu hari nanti cita2 aku tuk jadi fashion photographer akan tercapai...mungkin banyk yang aku kene blaja...tapi usaha tu penting...
Most of the photo are taken by Bustamam Mokhtar from White Studio...i like his artwork...senior2 aku dulu ada yang penah praktikal kat studio dia...sampaikan ada yang dah dapat bekerja kat studio dia sebagai 2nd photographer....best2...
so aku harap satu hari nanti cita2 aku akan tercapai...aminnn..n kepada majalah Glam... keep your good work n bertambah baik tahun demi tahun...aminnn...
p/s : gambar-gambar di ambil dari www.glam.com.my
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Senda Pagi

rasa-rasanya...apakah yang membuatkan 2 orang adik cilik kita ni berpaling dan terpaku?? sampaikan aku amik gambar pun diorang tak perasan...


melihat cikgu yang datang seakan2 muka Ac Mizal....ataupun...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Karate Kid 2010
last sunday baru tngok citer ni...best...menghiburkan..
penuh panggung...tengok kat mana?? aku tengok kat MBO The Spring.
aku bagi 3 bintang untuk ini movie...next week nak tngok citer apa ye??